Backyard Fruit Growers

The informal association of Backyard Fruit Growers began in 1990 as an exchange of information for amateurs and others in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, who wish to produce excellent fruit for the family, and to respect the backyard environment. Members get together four times a year at seasonal meetings (Winter, Spring Grafting, Summer Orchard Tour, Fall Apple Tasting) to share ideas and fellowship. Members also receive a newsletter, Backyard Fruit Grower, which has a circulation of about 400. If you live within driving distance of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and if you would like to participate in our seasonal events, subscribe to the seasonal newsletter to receive schedules and directions. To subscribe to the seasonal newsletter, print out this online copy of the Backyard Fruit Growers brochure, and send $15 for 2 years membership and snailmail to BYFG c/o Nils Peterson, 6666 Van Winkle Drive, Falls Church, VA 22044. 

Contact Backyard Fruit Growers by emailing Andy Weidman, Secretary, BYFG

Please direct all comments and suggestions about this webpage to Bill Dailey (
Last updated 2/25/25

Spring 2025 Newsletter is ONLINE! (members will need to use the same username and password as for Woodbank)

The password has been changed. It is available in your latest newsletter that was emailed or snailmailed to you. NOTE: the newsletters that are uploaded to the website will no longer have the password. You MUST get that information from the newsletter that was emailed or snail-mailed to you as a subscriber.

The BYFG 2025 Grafting workshop will be held on March 22, 2025 at the Mount Wilson Church of the Brethren, 1261 Mt. Wilson Rd, Lebanon PA.
The morning session (10am) will be limited to current Subscribers of the BYFG newsletter. The afternoon session is open to the public for a cost.
For a description and registration information for the grafting class open to the public starting at 1pm, click here
WOODBANK 2023 is online!

Members can download a copy of Woodbank 2023 in pdf format by clicking here.You can get the depositor list here.
(password is in your current Newsletter)

Future and Recent Events

Current BYFG Newsletter subscribers and their families are invited to the following events. Please check the website for schedule changes and corrections. See your Newsletter for driving directions and the schedule for each day - Thanks

2025 BYFG Dates
Jan 18 Winter Meeting, Farm and Home - Lancaster, PA.
February 4, Zoom Planning Group Meeting 7pm
Feb 15 Winter Workshops Farm and Home - Lancaster, PA.
March 22 Grafting Workshop, MOUNT WILSON CHURCH, Lebanon PA.
May 10-11 BYFG Tree Sale, Landis Valley Museum.
Mid August Summer Picnic/Tour contact Chris Buck about hosting
Sept 27 Planning Group Barbecue @ Andy Weidman place
Sept mid Ted's BYFG Pawpaw Tours @ Ted's Harleysville
October TBA BYFG/LVM Tasting, Landis Valley Museum
October TBA Private BYFG Tasting tba
November TBA Planning Group Meeting tba
Past 2024 Dates
Jan 20 Winter Meeting, Farm and Home - Lancaster, PA.
Feb 17 Winter Workshops Farm and Home - Lancaster, PA.
March 23 Grafting Workshop, Landis Valley Museum.
April TBD Planning Group Meeting
May 10-11 BYFG Tree Sale, Landis Valley Museum.
July TBD Planning Group Barbecue at Steve Shambeda's
August-mid BYFG Summer Tour/Picnic
September TBD Ted's Pawpaw tour(s)
October 12-13 BYFG/LVM tasting
October TBD BYFG private tasting
November TBD Planning Group Meeting


Woodbank 2023 is a listing of cultivars fruited by members of the BYFGs who offer to swap scionwood with other listed BYFGs during our seasonal get-togethers. Deposit your varieties with Steve Shambeda by December 29th of every year. Hardcopies will be updated/uploaded and distributed on the even numbered years at the January meeting, and electronic copies will be updated/uploaded on odd numbered years. Woodbank 2023 will be free to all depositors who list in 2023. If you are not yet a listed depositor, you may pick up Woodbank copies at seasonal meeting for $5.00 each. Members can also download a copy of Woodbank 2023 in pdf format by clicking here. You can get the depositor list here. You will be prompted for a username and password which you can obtain from your most recent issue of Backyard Fruit Grower newsletter. The username/password is the same for the newsletter.

Visit Other BYFG Orchards

The following BYFGs invite you to call or write ahead and arrange a visit:

Links to other pages of interest to BYFGs

New Additions to the site: (BYFG'ers can email me suggestions to add to our pages) 

Highly Recommended Sites

Online Catalogs, Sources, etc

Bees, Bees, Bees


Fruit Production Information Links

Gardening Links - Seeds

Miscellaneous Pages of Interest

Orchard Links

Comments or suggestions for including other useful information or links to other web pages can be sent to Bill Dailey